War and Media supplement (E+J)

Aaron Gerow gerow
Wed Mar 20 00:52:56 EST 2002

I recently sent out an announcement about the "Between War and Media" 
Symposium taking place March 25-27. I would like to inform people of some 
related events that will be taking place about the same time.

First, around the time of the symposium, the Maison Franco-Japonaise, 
where the symposium will be taking place, will be holding an exhibition 
entitled "Frottage Aerogramme Project 1996-2002" of the work of Okabe 
Masao, whose art directly deals with the memory of war. 

During the symposium, there will be screenings of two films:

March 26 at 13:00: Momotaro no arawashi (1943), an animated film of 
Momotaro leading the attack on Pearl Harbor

March 17 at 13:00: 2001 Eiga to tabi (Kurosawa Kiyoshi, 2001), a video 
that takes up the memory of 9/11 to explore contemporary horror

In the theaters, Mori Takuya's _A2_, a continuation of his exploration of 
the Aum cult and its relation to the media, will begin showing March 23 
at BOX Higashi Nakano in Tokyo.

At the Museum of Modern Art Film Center, there is an exhibition of rare 
film related materials from the early Showa era, some of which have to do 
with the wartime.

Finally, on the day the symposium begins, the NHK Bunka Kenkyujo will be 
hosting a symposium on the terror incidents and TV coverage with 
panelists from ABC, BBC, NHK, and Al-Jazeera. It will take place starting 
at 13:30 at the Chiyoda Hoso Kaikan.



        Frottage Aerogramme Project 1996-2002














??????Between War and Media
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TEL 03-5421-7641,  FAX 03-5421-7651,
e-mail: h.hayashi at mfj.gr.jp

TEL 03-5841-5920,  FAX 03-3811-5970,
e-mail: taku at isics.u-tokyo.ac.jp


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?What's Wrong with This Picture?? War and Media in the
??20th and 21st Centuries?























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