Fwd: Harvard Graduate Student Conference for Japanese Studies
Aaron Gerow
Fri Mar 1 01:33:09 EST 2002
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From: endawley at netscape.net
Subject: Harvard Graduate Student Conference for Japanese Studies
The fifth annual Harvard Graduate Student Conference for Japanese Studies
is taking place March 16, at Harvard University in Cambridge. It will be
held at Coolidge Hall, 1737 Cambridge Street, Cambridge, MA. Please see
below for a schedule of the papers and panels. If you wish to attend
please register by sending an e-mail to either Evan Dawley
(dawley at fas.harvard.edu) or Emer O'Dwyer (eodwyer at fas.harvard.edu).
Morning panels (10:15-11:45):
I. 1920s Discourse a. Annika Culver (University of Chicago; History):
"Modernity in Conflict: Destabilizing Images of the Modern in the Writings
of Kitagawa Fuyuhiko."
b. Liang Luo (Harvard, EALC): "Dislocated Selves, Urban Forms, and The
(Re)formation of Modern Consciousness--Tian Han's Tokyo vs. Tanizaki
Jun'ichiro's Shanghai."
c. Emer O'Dwyer (Harvard, HEAL): "Children as Angels or Class Warriors?
Constructing a Modern Conception of Childhood for the Capitalist Age."
II. The 1990s a. Brian Bergstrom (University of Chicago, EALC): "Counting
Dead Kids: Statistics, spectacle, and the pleasures of senseless violence
in Battle Royale."
b. Jeremy Entwisle: "Aiding Structural Change in the Japanese Rice
c. Katrina Moore (Harvard, Anthropology): "Viagra and the Medicalization
of Male Sexuality in an Aging Society: A Comparative Look at the United
States and Japan."
Early Afternoon Panels (1:45-2:45):
III. Theatre a. Galia Petkova (University of British Columbia,
Literature): "Construction of Female Body, Gender and Sexuality on the
Stage: The Female Impersonator in Japanese Kabuki Theatre as a
Socio-cultural Construct of Ideal Femininity?"
b. John Swain (UCLA, Theatre): "Indeterminate Space of Zainichi-Korean
Identity in Y$B%F%5(B Miri$Bc`QT(B Theatre."
IV. Reconstructing the Greats a. Calvin Eriksen (U. of Wisconsin-Madison,
Art History): "The Architecture of Deification: Hideyoshi and the
Development of gongen zukuri."
b. Steven Hanna (Harvard, EALC): "Sagoromo and Genji.$Bc`Y(B
V. Gender a. Michiko Takeuchi (UCLA, History): "Gendered Nationalism and
Sexuality: Japanese State-Sanctioned Prostitution for The U.S. Occupation
Forces and The Trans-Pacific Andocentric Identity Complex."
b. Zhen Wang (National Tongji University in Shanghai, Japanese Studies):
"Challenging Hegemonic Conception of Gender in Japan: The Proletariat
Aspirations of Miyamoto Yuriko (1899-1951)."
*Afternoon Break*
Late Afternoon Panels (3:15-4:45):
VI. The People and Memory a. Atsuko Aoki (Brown, History): "Naisen
kekkon$Bc`Y(B Mixed Race Marriages in the Japanese Empire."
b. Jin-hee Lee (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, EALC):
"Construction of the 'Past': Historical Knowledge Production on the 1923
Massacre of Koreans in Japanese Politics of Culture."
c. Ben Middleton (Cornell, History): "Discourses of Minzoku (Volk/Nation)
in Japanese Sociology, 1919-45."
VII. Nineteenth Century
a. Par Cassel (Harvard, History): "Koga Toan,
Suppositions on Naval Defense and the Opium War Debate."
b. Ann-Marie Davis (UCLA, History): "'Preventive Medicine' in the Japanese
Treaty Ports: Scientific Observations of Two European Doctors."
c. Abigail Schweber (Harvard, History): "Completing Liberalism: 'Free
Education' in the Thought of the Freedom and Popular Rights Movement." --
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Aaron Gerow
Yokohama National University
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