Kawase Naomi's site,collectives

Rodica-Livia Monnet rodica-livia.monnet
Fri May 17 23:56:33 EDT 2002

Many thanks to Aaron for the info.LM En r?ponse ? Ono Seiko and Aaron Gerow 
<onogerow at angel.ne.jp>:

> >---collectives:
> I don't have time to look up the particulars, but there have been a 
> number of directors who have been involved in script or film practice 
> workshops, especially ones centered in a locality. Ishii Sogo, for 
> instance, has been involved in a Fukuoka workshop for some time, from 
> which a couple scripts have seen production, and I think Agata Morio has
> helped out with a similar workshop in Hakodate. Also note that several
> directors have their own production companies (like Sakamoto Junji's 
> Kino) and then there was the Director's Company in the 1980s. For film
> schools, beyond Nihon Eiga Gakko (Imamura's school now headed by Sato 
> Tadao), the new Eiga Bigakko is mostly the product of directors and 
> critics. In some ways, it is the extension of the Athenee Francais 
> cinematheque and Eurospace. One can say that the people who teach 
> there--Aoyama, Kurosawa, Shinozaki, Zeze, Takahashi, Shiota,
> etc.--almost 
> form a "school" or "group" in the Japanese film scene.
> Aaron Gerow
> Yokohama National University
> KineJapan list owner
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