Venice awards
mark schilling
0934611501 at
Mon Sep 9 01:40:32 EDT 2002
My own review of Dolls, now online at the Screen Daily site is more on the "cheap orientalism" side. Kitano
has been slipping ever since "Hana-Bi" -- and "Dolls" is a final plunge
into a self-absorbed, literal-minded sentimentalism. The third act was like
"Way Down East" in a Japonesque mode, complete with an interminable trudge
through the snow, but no heart-stopping leaps across the ice floes. D.W.
Griffith could at least evoke pathos; Kitano in "Dolls" is the director as
technician, who is more concerned with costumes and cinematography than the
story he happens to be telling. He's jingling the strings expertly enough --
but there's no life in his puppets.
Mark Schilling
schill at
----- Original Message -----
From: "Aaron Gerow" <gerow at>
To: "KineJapan" <KineJapan at>
Sent: Monday, September 09, 2002 1:01 PM
Subject: Venice awards
> The official awards at the Venice Film Festival were announced and the
> only Japanese film to be awarded seems to be Tsukamoto Shin'ya's
> Rokugatsu no hebi (A Snake of June), which won a special jury award from
> the Controcorrente (Upstream) Jury.
> The Japanese papers reported that reaction to Takeshi's Dolls was quite
> mixed, with some calling it a masterpiece and some cheap orientalism.
> Any news from the scene?
> Aaron Gerow
> Yokohama National University
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