J films on video w/ E subtitles

Khash Najib najibjp at yahoo.co.jp
Sun Sep 15 16:54:53 EDT 2002

I hope to get some advice from list members on the best
sources for purchasing Japanese films with English
subtitles on video or DVD. I guess there would be too many
names, but where would you go for the largest collections
and best prices?
I live in Japan so please tell me about any such stores
here if available. Otherwise information on recommendable
online sellers here and in other countries would be great.

I checked Amazon.com and they do have a lot of stuff.
Also, I bought the film I mentioned in my other e-mail
today (Oshima Nagisa
’s “100 Years of Japanese Cinema”) from a British
company called Movie Mail (www.moviem.co.uk). 

Many Thanks,
Najib El-Khash

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