adachi masao & pink eiga news

Roland Domenig roland.domenig at
Tue Sep 24 12:05:08 EDT 2002

did someone of the list-members in japan attend the adachi masao screenings
at the koenji kaikan on sunday? there was a discussion with adachi and
wakamatsu announced, and i'm curious whether he said something about his
future film projects.

uplink issued a dvd of his film 'jogakusei gerira' in its NIPPON EROTICS
series. the series will be continued in november with zeze takahisa's 'tokyo
erotica' (2000), saito mizumaru's 'hamako kankin mesu' (1987) and kumashiro
tatsumi's 'onna jigoku mori wa nureta' (1973). one can only hope that zeze's
film will be with english subtitles.

for those interested in pink eiga two more informations:

the company broadway will issue two 3-dvd-boxes with films by sato toshiki.
the first box includes 'danchizuma furin de raburabu' (2000), 'aosora'
(2001) and 'danchizuma tonari no aegi' (2001), and will be on sale on 10/25.
the second box includes 'mayoineko' (1998), 'koyoi kagiri wa...' (1999) and
'furin nikki nureta mama mo ichido' (1996) and will be out on 12/27.
tajiri yuji's 'OL no rabu jusu', that has been mentioned on this list before
and that had won the P-1 grand prix at this year's far east film festival in
udine, will be re-released on october 11 under the title 'OL no seino -
toshishita no otoko'.

roland domenig
institute of east asian studies
vienna university

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