Re Hibari film title

j.izbicki at j.izbicki at
Fri Apr 25 14:02:39 EDT 2003

 Re Markus' comment "My current thought is to junk the old ones I 
dislike---noting the change, of course---and (arrogantly?) assuming my 
book-length study can shoulder the old titles out and set new precidents.

I think that is a good way to go.  His book will carry the weight of authority 
and I see no problem in asserting new translations if they more effectively 
convey something about the film than the original translated title did.  This 
is not to say, as Aaron has indicated, that any and all previous translations 
can just be ignored.  Markus's intent to "take careful note of the various 
titles "gracing" the films (especially if accompanied by historiographic 
context)" is critical if a shift in the titles used is to be accomplished 
responsibly.  Since many of you in Markus' and Aaron's 'generation' of film 
theorists/writers are greatly expanding the critical context (not to mention 
just plain basic info) of Japanese film studies, I think you should go with 
what in my opinion is your justified authority to effect a shift in these 
aspects. At the same time, we and future scholars & other afficianados need an 
index that can reference various titles for each film.  

On the other hand, part of me wants to say 'Play! Play!'--why be bound by 
strict conventions of translation?  But in the interest of consistency and 
order, I say shift the translations where appropriate and reference the 
previous translations.

And as Stepen pointed out, English translations are just part of the problem.  
What are scholars doing for Korean, Chinese, French, Italian, etc., etc.?

By the way, HAS anyone found an English translation for the Hibari film?


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