Bunkacho report (E+J)

Aaron Gerow gerow
Fri Apr 25 00:03:14 EDT 2003

The Bunkacho (Agency for Cultural Affairs) has issued its final report on 
reviving Japanese cinema entitled "Korekara no Nihon eiga no shinko ni 
tsuite" (On Promoting the Japanese Cinema of Tomorrow). The full report 
is available in PDF format on the Bunkacho site:


There's a lot of daring plans in there, especially revolving around the 
preservation of film and promotion of production and exhibition. Most 
we've already mentioned in previous mails.

A quick glance reveals few changes since the median report, but in my 
area of film studies and education, I did sense a slightly greater 
recognition of the need for film educators and researchers. This does not 
appear enough in the report for my taste, but here is the main section 
where it does appear:


Still ambiguous and unclear as to specific policies, but by at least 
saying "eiga ni kansuru daigaku kenkyu" the report is recognizing the 
need for university research on cinema.  Let's hope something comes of 

Since this is only a report, matters especially having to do with money 
and the status of the Film Center must first be written into law and 
regulations. That is another big step and certainly there's a possibility 
many of these proposals could fall on deaf ears then.

Let's keep a watchful eye out.

Aaron Gerow
Yokohama National University
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