Fwd: _Intersections_: Globalisation, History, Culture
Aaron Gerow
Wed Aug 20 22:20:59 EDT 2003
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Intersections: Gender, History and Culture in the Asian Context
Issue 9 - 'Globalisation, History, Culture'
and Call for Papers
Carolyn Brewer and Anne-Marie Medcalf are now pleased to announce that the
ninth issue of the online refereed journal _Intersections: Gender, History
and Culture in the Asian Context_ has been posted to the net at
This issue focuses on the interaction, and relations of power between the
local and the global in the context of the writing of gendered history and
culture, and of the discourses and performance of sex and gender in Japan,
Thailand and Southeast Asia. We also make a special foray into the study
gender and language(see table of contents of papers and book and film
reviews section below).
We are also calling for papers for the tenth issue of _Intersections_ due
for publication in May 2004 (deadline 15 March 2004). Issue Ten will
focus on papers around the theme of 'Indonesia: Histories and Life
Besides academic papers, introduced edited interviews and relevant short
fiction pieces will be considered. We will, of course, also consider
outside of the main theme for each issue. Please refer to the call for
papers page of the journal for submission details and further planned
issues, or contact the editors.
Issue 9 - 'Globalisation, History, Culture'
Feminist History in Japan: National and International Perspectives
Andrea Germer
Performative Genders, Perverse Desires: A Bio-History of Thailand's
and Transgender Cultures
Peter Jackson
Whose Debt?: Globalisation and White-facing in Asia
Patricia Goon and Allison Craven
Ore wa ore dakara ['Because I'm me']: A Study of Gender and Language in
Documentary Shinjuku Boys
Claire Maree
Film Review ? Guest Editor: Mick Broderick
Hayao Miyazaki, Director
_Spirited Away_ by Miyazaki
reviewed by Mick Broderick
Book Reviews
Ding Naifei
_Obscene Things: Sexual Politics_ in Jin Ping Mei
reviewed by Louise Edwards
Roland B. Tolentino
_National /Transnational Subject Formation, Media and Cultural Politics In
and On the Philippines_
reviewed by Mina Roces
Lynn M. Kwiatkowski
_Struggling with Development: The Politics of Hunger and Gender in the
reviewed by Jane Hutchison
Oscar Salemink (editor)
_Viet Nam's Cultural Diversity: Approaches to Preservation_
reviewed by Jocelyn Grace
Barbara Sato
_The New Japanese Woman: Modernity, Media, and Women in Interwar Japan_
reviewed by Sandra Wilson
James E. Roberson and Nobue Suzuki editors
_Men and Masculinities in Contemporary Japan: Dislocating the Salaryman
reviewed by Mark McLelland
Yuki Tanaka,
_Japan's Comfort Women, Sexual Slavery and Prostitution During World War
and the US Occupation_
reviewed by Narrelle Morris
Yoshio Sugimoto
_An Introduction to Japanese Society_ (Second Edition)
reviewed by James Boyd
Sharon Chalmers
_Emerging Lesbian Voices from Japan_
reviewed by James Welker
Call For Papers
_Intersections: Gender, History & Culture in the Asian Context_
Editors: Carolyn Brewer and Anne-Marie Medcalf
School of Asian Studies and Centre for Social Change and Social Equity
Murdoch University,
Murdoch, 6150, Western Australia
Tel.: (08) 9360 6251 and 9360 6232
Fax.: (08) 9360 6575
email: intrsect at murdoch.edu.au
Narrelle Morris
LLB, BAsianSt, BA (Hons)
Tutor / PhD Research Student
Japanese Studies
School of Asian Studies
Murdoch University <www.murdoch.edu.au>
Western Australia
nmorris at central.murdoch.edu.au
narrellemorris at yahoo.com
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