Last Bill Translation

Aaron Gerow aaron.gerow at
Mon Dec 22 17:38:29 EST 2003

For probably the first time in its history, KineJapan has had very 
little mail in the last few weeks, with some weeks of absolutely no 
mail. What's happened?

Unfortunately, it's been hard for me as co-owner to spark discussion 
since I've been in the process of moving, but now that I am "kind of" 
settled, I might as well ask the question that's been on everyone's 

So what do KineJapan members think of the recent spate of Hollywood 
films set in Japan, particularly Last Samurai, Kill Bill, and Lost in 
Translation? Is there a particular reason why there's a rush of such 
films? What do they entail for Japanese moving image media? Clearly 
Last Samurai and Kill Bill are very aware of Japanese cinema, but what 
do we as Japanese film afficianados make of these citations?

Let's get some discussion going.

Aaron Gerow
KineJapan owner

Assistant Professor
Film Studies Program/East Asian Languages and Literatures
Yale University

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