Multinorm Camcorder

Boum Productions pete at
Sun Jun 29 07:05:14 EDT 2003

Some pal camcorders will play back NTSC tapes. But you won't be able to record in NTSC on a pal machine. But why do you need to? You can just take a PAL machine to Japan and record in PAL....

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Sven Koerber 
  To: KineJapan at 
  Sent: Sunday, June 29, 2003 11:41 AM
  Subject: Multinorm Camcorder

  Hello KineJapan members

  Sorry, my question is a little bit off topic,
  but I hope somebody could help:

  I am planing to buy a small (digital) camcorder which
  I can use in Germany (PAL system) as well as
  in Japan (NTSC ?). Asking two camcorder sellers
  here in Germany, one said "impossible", the other
  said "every camcorder is okay"... ?! 

  Has anybody made some experiences with that topic,
  or knows about "multinorm camcorders" ?

  Thank You in advance,

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