Re Hibari film title

Aaron Gerow gerow
Thu May 1 00:56:49 EDT 2003

Jasper asked,

>Also, how about names? Reading the kanji from the jmdb doesn't actually help 
with alternate 
>readings of cast or crew members names, so is there a kana or romaji 
reference source for 
>this too?

Ah, the fun of looking up name readings! It must be done, though. because 
there are a lot of weird name readings out there--and a lot of mistakes. 
I just read one English language text that mistakenly rendered Osabe 
Hideo's name as "Nagabe."

For film names, first there are the various reference dictionaries 
Kinejun has put out. They are fairly accurate, but there are mistakes 
(the director's dictionary gives Suwa Nobuhiro's name as Atsuhiko, which 
is understandable given the kanji, but they should have asked the man 
himself). Nichigai Associates, the kings of reference dictionaries, not 
only put out the Eizo media sakka jinmei jiten which includes people like 
producers, cameraman, and scenarists not included in the KineJun 
dictionaries, plus another tarento jinmei jiten, but have many jinmei 
jiten which collate various dictionaries and give general name readings. 
Libraries can help if the person has published a book because there is 
something called the name authority list which specifies the exact 
reading for names of people who turn up in libraries (though I did find a 
mistake there once: they rendered Ushihara Kiyohiko as Ushihara Kyohiko). 
Since Webcat is a national database of libraries, it comes in real handy. 

The best English language text is P.G. O'Neill's Japanese Names, though 
it doesn't help with film names, other than give general readings of 
kanji combinations.

Aaron Gerow
Associate Professor
International Student Center
Yokohama National University
79-1 Tokiwadai
Hodogaya-ku, Yokohama 240-8501
E-mail: gerow at
Phone: 81-45-339-3170
Fax: 81-45-339-3171

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