Ozu DVDs

Nuzumaki nuzumaki
Mon Nov 10 07:08:44 EST 2003

> Japanese set has
> commented on how at some points of stillness in a scene it looks as if
> the DVD has accidentally been paused because there's absolutely no
> natural shimmer of light or film grain during these moments. This
> smacks of poor DVD compression techniques where everything is frozen by
> an algorithm to save disc capacit

if this only happens once a time its the layer jump point which is natural
on a dvd9
that is when the laser has to jump from layer1 to layer 2. but the stillness
isnt longer than
0,5s. if there are more or/and longer stops its a compression error.


stefan nutz

----- Original Message -----
From: "Nick Wrigley" <nicklists at dsl.pipex.com>
To: <KineJapan at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu>
Sent: Monday, November 10, 2003 5:23 AM
Subject: Re: Ozu DVDs

> > I'd heard the same story about the Panorama disks but unfortunately it
> > doesn't seem to be true. The Shochiku disks are dual layer while the
> > Panorama disks are single layer. They may have received the digital
> > files
> > from Shochiku but if so they've been compressed and reauthored to a
> > lower
> > quality
> I didn't know this, but a friend in Japan with the Japanese set has
> commented on how at some points of stillness in a scene it looks as if
> the DVD has accidentally been paused because there's absolutely no
> natural shimmer of light or film grain during these moments. This
> smacks of poor DVD compression techniques where everything is frozen by
> an algorithm to save disc capacity.
> > (probably at the same time the punctilious Japanese subtitles were
> > replaced with the sloppy rubbish that Nick mentions below).
> So the Japanese discs have Japanese subtitles? That's interesting...
> > It really does make a difference: at least when projected, movement in
> > the frame is
> > noticably choppier on the Hong Kong disks. Also, as Yoshida Kiju also
> > pointed out at Michigan this weekend, Ozu's is an art of repetition
> > with
> > subtle differences -- that's hard to appreciate when lines are not
> > subtitled, or the subtitle is actually for the previous line of
> > dialogue...
> or just plain unintelligible! :( -- it's really a shambles. I doubt
> anybody could really get anything out of the AN AUTUMN AFTERNOON
> English subtitles on the Panorama disc. A real shame.
> -N>-
> www.mastersofcinema.org
> www.ozuyasujiro.com

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