Ozu's Anti-Cnema

Mark Nornes amnornes
Mon Nov 10 14:33:13 EST 2003

OK. I figured out why you had the problem. And since someone else  
pointed out this problem in regard's to another CJS book I might as  
well tell you what it is. Basically, Amazon wants 40+% discounts or  
they won't handle your book and allow returns. To accomodate Amazon  
would mean jacking the prices up significantly, so CJS Press has  
decided to write them off.  Just contact Bruce Willoughy directly, and  
it should be just as easy and smooth.


On Monday, November 10, 2003, at 10:49  AM, Mark Nornes wrote:

> Hi,
> I can't imagine why there would be a problem ordering this book. I  
> asked Bruce Willoughby, our editor, and he provided the following  
> response.
> Markus
> You may order Ozu's Anti-Cinema at the numbers below or email
> cjspubs at umich.edu
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 
> ~~~~~~~
>     Bruce E. Willoughby, Executive Editor, Center for Japanese Studies,
>     University of Michigan, 202 S. Thayer St., Ann Arbor, MI 48104-1608
>     e-mail address: bew at umich.edu | phone: 734/998-7265 | fax:  
> 734/998-7982
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 
> ~~~~~~~
> On Saturday, November 8, 2003, at 11:55  PM, Michael E Kerpan Jr wrote:
>> Does anyone know of an online bookseller actually handling this?   
>> Amazon will
>> special order it for you -- at an extra charge.  And that's all I  
>> find.
>> MEK

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