If you could see any classic film on the big screen subtitled...

Christine Marran marran at umn.edu
Wed Apr 7 14:10:26 EDT 2004

I've long wanted Kiga Kaikyo by Uchida Tomu and
Saito's Tsugaru Jongarabushi to be available to a wider audience
And I would second the Nagareru.
I thought Nankyoku monogatari was beautiful and would have liked to seen 
it on a large screen though it isn't an artsy, philosophical film by any 
stretch of the imagination...

Anything by Terayama Shuji.


david alston wrote:
> Humanity & Paper Balloons (Sadao Yamanaka, 1937) would probably top my 
> list - I have yet to see any of Yamanaka's surviving work, which seems 
> impossible to find in any format here in the US.
> I'd leap at the chance to see any number of films directed by Mikio 
> Naruse, Masaki Kobayashi, Nagisa Oshima, Shiro Toyoda and Kaneto Shindo 
> as well - with a small number of exceptions per director, their work 
> tends to be difficult to see and obtain as well.
> David Alston
>  >From: Jason Gray <loaded_films at yahoo.co.jp>
>  >Reply-To: KineJapan at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
>  >To: KineJapan at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
>  >Subject: If you could see any classic film on the big screen subtitled...
>  >Date: Thu, 8 Apr 2004 12:53:34 +0900 (JST)
>  >
>  >Dear List Members,
>  >
>  >I'd like to ask all of you what classic Japanese film
>  >you'd like to see on the big screen with English
>  >subtitles? No need to strictly define "classic" -- trust
>  >your own judgment. Of course any genre is okay. One or two
>  >titles with perhaps a short explanation is fine.
>  >
>  >Thank you!
>  >
>  >Jason Gray
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Christine L. Marran
Asst. Professor of Japanese Literature and Cultural Studies
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Department of Asian Languages and Literatures
University of Minnesota

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