Just joined!

bird@ca.inter.net bird
Thu Apr 8 12:05:56 EDT 2004

I've just read an article by Catherine Russell which deals with women in
Naruse's home dramas : Too Close to Home - Naruse Mikio  & Japanese Cinema
of the 1950s, in the book Global Cities: Cinema, Architecture and Urbanism
in a Digital Age, Rutgers University Press (2003). This might help.

Lawrence Bird

>    Hi everyone,  I'm Robyn  Dranfield-Yamashita.  I live in Aoba-ku,
>Yokohama.  Originally, I'm  >from Canada and I've been living in Japan for
>almost nine years.      I'm a graduate student.  I'm  researching how
>women are portrayed in Japanese films.  So, far I've only  been able to
>find research in English, about the "big" name past directors (Ozu,
>Mizoguchi, Kurosawa, Naruse, a bit about Imamura Shohei and Kinoshita
>Keisuke). Nothing really specifically dealing with women, but there is  a
>bit.  I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice or help about
>who has done research, articles or which movies they recommend I should
>watch.    Any help would be welcomed!!!    Thank you!   Robyn

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