Concrete canned

Aaron Gerow aaron.gerow
Wed Apr 28 13:17:00 EDT 2004

The papers reported that the film Concrete, scheduled to open May 29th 
in Tokyo, was pulled from release because of threats and protests 
against the theater where it was to show. Some had complained that the 
film, directed by first-timer Nakamura Taku, was exploiting its 
sensitive subject: the real-life incident in 1989 in which a 
high-school girl who was abducted by teenage boys, held captive for 41 
days, and then murdered and buried in concrete. The film's production 
company, Benten Entertainment, denies the charges, but has pulled the 
film from the theater and eliminated the home page for the movie. They 
still plan, however, to release the film on video in June.

Aaron Gerow
KineJapan owner

Assistant Professor
Film Studies Program/East Asian Languages and Literatures
Yale University

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