NEW! UM Center for Japanese Studies Electronic Publications

Mark Nornes amnornes
Fri Dec 10 21:11:22 EST 2004

University of Michigan
Center for Japanese Studies Electronic Publications

The Center for Japanese Studies Publications Program is pleased to 
announce a wide variety of online materials in searchable, downloadable 

A single search (simple, boolean or proximity) can find terms in all 
the publications on the site. You can read the books page by page, as 
text or image scans. Or you can download a pdf of the entire text. 
There is no charge to read our books, and we will soon make these books 
available on paper through print-on-demand as well.

Our Electronic Publications come in three flavors:

Michigan Classics Online

Michigan Classics Online breathes second life into important books that 
have gone out of print. Books are chosen through peer review, and they 
will be published here as opposed to the Classics Series when they lack 
the potential for undergraduate classroom use. If you know of any 
deserving titles that should be back in print but are currently 
unavailable, we would be happy to take your recommendations.

CJS Faculty Series

Interested CJS Faculty members edit their own series, reprinting 
important books, journals, and archival materials. Our first faculty 
member to create a series is Ab? Mark Nornes. It includes the reprints 
of two classic histories of Japanese film by Donald Richie and No?l 
Burch (the latter with a new introduction by Harry Harootunian of NYU). 
There is a collection of production records from the first film 
production about the atomic bombings, and a massive collection of 
books, journals, pamphlets, posters, handbills, and movies (!) from the 
prewar proletarian film movements.

Out-of-Print Books Online

 From 1951 until 1979 the Center published Occasional Papers in Japanese 
Studies and the Bibliographical Series. These were out of print. In 
addition, a number of Michigan Papers in Japanese Studies are now out 
of print. We have here made these available in searchable and 
downloadable formats. Other books not published by the Center for 
Japanese Studies are also available. If you would like to make your 
out-of-print book available, please contact the Center's Publications 

Come see what new at CJS Pubs:

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