Tsuchimoto in Tokyo (E + J)

Mark Nornes amnornes
Sat Jan 10 13:02:53 EST 2004

Those lucky enough to be in Tokyo this month can go hear Tsuchimoto 
Noriaki, Kuroki Kazuo and Iwasa Hisaya talk about Blue Group, the 
research club in Iwanami that---in the larger scheme of 
things---changed the course of documentary in Japan, and certainly had 
a delayed impact on the feature film as well.

There are also screenings; Tsuchimoto's Aru kikan joshi and Kuroki's 
Aru Marason ranna no kiroku rarely get screened.

(People probably know about Kuroki and Tsuchimoto, but not Iwasa. The 
latter joined Iwanami in the late 50s and was an AD for the other two 
along with Hani Susumu. He was a Blue Group member, and left around the 
same time as everyone else in 1964. His main films are Spring-Powered 
Cinema---Am I an Actress and a series called Mutineers.)


From: smasaaki <smasaaki at jca.apc.org>
Date: Sat Jan 10, 2004  10:08:27  AM US/Eastern
To: smasaaki <smasaaki at jca.apc.org>
Subject: ??SIGLO  NEWS  ??39???







????????????SIGLO  NEWS  ??39???











??Noriaki Tsuchimoto Film Seminar Vol.4


??Noriaki Tsuchimoto Film Seminar Vol.4
??????????????????? ?TEL 03-3291-4339?




????? ???????1000?????????TEL 0570-02-9999?

??????TEL03-5343-3101 FAX03-5343-3102?
??????siglo at cine.co.jp


??siglo at sure.co.jp   ??????
??????????????????????? ????????
Sasaki Masaaki
E-mail mailto:smasaaki at jca.apc.org

URL http://www.cine.co.jp/
Tel 03-5343-3101 Fax 03-5343-3102

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