『アラブの人々から見た自衛隊イラク派兵』 (J+E)
Khash Najib
Tue Jul 6 20:26:07 EDT 2004
Thanks Mark, that's right, unfortunately this video has
only Japanese subtitles. But in the future that might
chnage (still not sure).
The thing is, at the last moment before departing to
Damascus to start the location-hunting for Edward Said's
film, we were asked by Siglo to help out with a
documentary proposed by John Junkerman (director of last
year's Chomsky documentary) about world reactions (mainly
by intellectuals and civil rights activists) to the SDF
dispatch. We were asked to get a few interviews "if time
allows" to complement what John would shoot in the U.S.,
France, South Africa, India...etc.
The current work is the result of us "overdoing it" in the
Middle East. We were really lucky. We got so much
material and a lot of it is interesting indeed. Personally
I am very interested in showing people what the average
Arab is thinking about this. People who were not mentioned
in the interviewees list in my previous e-mail but appear
in the documentary include a computer salesman who
happened to ride on the same taxi with us from Damascus to
Beirut, and an owner of a grocery store at a Palestinian
refugee camp who both gave quite analytical and
well-informed replies to our questions.
Siglo was talking about releasing a video with English
subtitles of the "world" version of this work. I don't
know if the material Sato san and I shot would later be
incorporated with interviews shot elsewhere to form a
collaboration work or if it will remain an independent
work, but I will surely keep you posted.
Syrian documentary filmmaker Omar Amiralay talks
specifically about the Japanese ads on Al-jazeera, and
while he expresses sympathy with the feelings of the
Japanese governmet, he still wonders why "a nation whose
claws have been pulled out is helping with pulling out the
claws of another" (after apologizing for having to
consider "claws" a currently essential part of national
OK, I have exposed enough of the documentary's contents to
be killed by Sato san, so I'll leave it at this.
Hope to see some kinejapaners on Friday.
--- anne mcknight <akmck at sympatico.ca> ????????
> Thanks for the info, Najib, it sounds really
> interesting. 4 or 5 months back
> I heard from my neighbors, who have grey-market
> Arabic TV, that the SDF was
> running advertisements on Al-Jazeera. I'm not sure
> of the exact format, but
> they said that the message was to differentiate SDF
> forces--peace-keeping
> civilians--from both the military and the military &
> infrastructure
> contractors. I wondered if anyone had seen those
> ads, and what they thought
> about either the composition, the strategy, or the
> effects...?
> Anne
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Anne McKnight
> Assistant Professor, Department of East Asian
> Studies
> McGill University
> 3434 McTavish, #405
> Montr?l, PQ H3A 1X9
> T (home): 514.276.8576
> (work): 398.8164
> F (work): 398.1882
> With lightness of touch all the degrees of the
> serious are accessible--B.
> Brecht
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