Selfmade DVD - Pal/NTSC problems ? drainer
Sun Jul 11 09:35:54 EDT 2004

You can burn it set to NTSC, but I don't know if it will play correctly
because the DV is in PAL, correct? You should try it anyway, it could
possibly work. I think that you may also be able to convert it on a PC, at
least it lets you do that with MPEG2 -- you can burn and original file in

 PAL won't work in Japan (because the player won't be able to read it),
unless, like Miles suggested, one were to use a computer to play it.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Sven Koerber" <svenkoerber at>
To: <KineJapan at>
Sent: Sunday, July 11, 2004 7:06 AM
Subject: Selfmade DVD - Pal/NTSC problems ?

Dear all,

excuse me for yet another technical question ...

I want to burn two films we made by ourselves on DVD and send it to Japan. I
thought there wouldn't be problems with the German TV-standard "Pal" and the
Japanese "NTSC" as You have it with video-cassettes, because DVD is digital.
The film itself is filmed with Digital Video ("DV") and we burn it on a
DVD-R (or maybe DVD+R ?). Now our cameraman and cutter said, there could be
problems with the two standards.

I know that the country code (= the country-specific DVD-code which should
hinder to view a foreign DVD on one's own DVD-player) in Japan and Germany
is the same. But does anybody know if there could be problems with a
self-burned DVD with Pal/NTSC ?
(And does anybody know of other problems which could occur by viewing a
European selfmade DVD in Japan ?)

Thank You in advance :-)

Best wishes,

Sven Koerber

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