HANA TO HEBI & video censorship in Japan
Jason Gray
Mon Jun 28 01:16:35 EDT 2004
Like most Japanese films with optical censoring, the
version shown abroad wasn't afflicted with mosaic.
Subtitled film prints are struck separately, and usually
without optical censoring. I asked, and the ver. of "Hana
to Hebi" shown at Berlin had uncensored public hair.
--- Miles Wood <diabolik at netvigator.com> ???????
> I wonder if the cinema version was actually cut or
> just optically censored, which is why there seems to
> be no discrepancy between the rt's of the different
> versions. What you say here and what I've heard
> about the DVD would indicate the DVD does contain
> the uncut version.
> Miles
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: J.sharp
> To: KineJapan at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
> Sent: Monday, June 28, 2004 7:46 AM
> Subject: Re: HANA TO HEBI & video censorship in
> Japan
> I haven't seen the film myself, but the reasons
> behind the cuts are due to there being a seperate
> certification board for film (Eirin) and video
> (Bideorin) in Japan, and what passes on video in the
> context of AV does not necessarily pass on the big
> screen. I believe a lot of what was lost was pubic
> hair shots, which in the context of a film about S&M
> was deemed unacceptable.
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