Kaosu remake by Jonathan Glazer!!

Mark Mays tetsuwan at comcast.net
Sat Nov 6 11:56:35 EST 2004

Can the actual film "benefit" from a remake? The benefit from remakes usually only accrues to those who make money from it. 
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Jim Harper 
  To: KineJapan at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu 
  Sent: Saturday, November 06, 2004 7:19 AM
  Subject: Re: Kaosu remake by Jonathan Glazer!!

  This has been discussed for a while now. I was beginning to wonder whether it had been shelved like Wes Craven's Pulse remake. Robert De Niro and Benicio Del Toro were mentioned in connection with it. Could be interesting.

  Like Hideyuki Hirayama's Turn, it's possible Chaos could benefit from a reworking. Nakata's film, while interesting, could have used some judicious 'tightening' of the plot. What do other people think?


  Christophe Crison <ccrison at hotmail.com> wrote:
    It seems Glazer is going to remake hideo nakata's kaosu which was far too
    complicated and overlong to my taste (i find nakata an overrated director)

    I guess that Glazer, whose made the great Sexy Beast, and recently Birth
    (http://www.birthmovie.com/) , a weird tale that reminds me of Bunuel &
    Bergman somehow (yes that's possible!)...not to mention that his visuals are
    stunning and never pretentious



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