Fwd: Anime event in Chicago

Mark Nornes amnornes at umich.edu
Mon Nov 15 11:09:07 EST 2004

Anime Sound & Vision 2004 in Chicago


Introducing Young Americans to Japanese Culture Through Anime

Anime Sound & Vision in Chicago
This Fall, a unique event designed to introduce young Americans to 
Japanese culture through anime, Japanese music, entertainment, martial 
arts, etc. will be held in Chicago.  In recent years, U.S. anime fans 
have cultivated an interest in all aspects of the world of anime.  This 
event will focus on various aspects of Japanese culture that are often 
featured within anime, such as traditional Japanese dance, music and 
martial arts demonstrations.  A famous Japanese anime producer and a 
famous voice actor will be featured in specialized performances, 
workshops and autograph sessions.  One of the main events will feature 
the team that choreographed martial arts scenes for and acted in the 
movie “Kill Bill”.  They will perform choreographed martial arts 
routines set to music, as well as conducting workshops and autograph 

In addition, supported by the Mayor’s Office of Special Events for the 
City of Chicago, several of the performers will demonstrate traditional 
Japanese dance, karate and sword manipulation at the Chicago Daley 

Dates:		Nov. 19 (Friday)		Noon			     Chicago Daley Center
6:00 p.m.		     Crowne Plaza Chicago O’Hare
(5440 N. River Road, Rosemont)

		Nov. 20 (Saturday)	9:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.	     Crowne Plaza Chicago 
								         Hotel TEL: 847-671-6350

Sponsors:		US Japanimation Alliance,  Global Vision, NFP

Cooperators:                 Mayor’s Office of Special Events, City of 
Japan-American Society of Chicago (JASC)

Corporate Sponsors:    ADV Films, Red Octane, Broccoli, Tokyo Pop, 
Anime Network,  Asahiya Books

Attendance Fee:	 Door Cost: $35.00	Advanced Purchase: $25.00 
(2-day pass)
For questions (English/Japanese) please call 630-782-1916.  To reserve 
a hotel room at a special rate of $79 per night, please contact the 
hotel directly before Oct. 31 and mention Anime Sound & Vision.
Please note that after October 1, the hotel name changed from Holiday 
Inn International to Crowne Plaza Chicago.
Confirmed Guests

Hiroaki Inoue	Co-founder of Gainax and Producer for AIC Studios in 
Japan.  He has produced and directed such popular anime titles as 
Tenchi Muyo, Bubblegum Crisis: Tokyo 2040, Armitage III, Blue Gender 
and many more.  Founder of the first “Tokyo Anime Expo” event in Los 

Kamui	Kamui is a group of sword fighting specialists that features 
Tetsuro Shimaguchi.  Tetsuro starred in the movie “Kill Bill” as the 
main “Crazy 88” character.  He also choreographed action scenes in the 
movie, such as “Duel in the Snow” by Lucy Liu and Uma Thurman.

Confirmed Guests (continued)

Tsukasa Daiko	The youngest professional Taiko group, led by Tatsu Aoki, 
one of the most recorded bassists on the Chicago music scene. They will 
perform wadaiko (Japanese drum) percussion.	

Chris Patton:	With ADV Studios, Chris has been a voice actor for 
numerous popular Japanese anime.

Angie Yeoh	An instructor of the Miura dojo, the U.S. womens’ karate 
champion for two years running.

Sally Suzuki	Traditional Japanese dance.  Sally has graced the stages 
of Japan with her elaborate and beautiful dance technique and has 
continued her art here in the US.

Ken Pitchford:	Iaido (sword manipulation) Instructor.  Studied for 17 
years in Japan and now teaching his art in the US.

Event Schedule

Nov. 19 (Friday)	 Noon
6:00 p.m.
“Kamui” performance, Karate demonstration, Japanese dance
Welcome reception, guest introduction, guest meet & greet
(Daley Center)
(Crowne Plaza Hotel)

Nov. 20 (Saturday)
   9:00 a.m.
    7:00Hiroaki Inoue Lecture & Workshop
Kamui Choreographed Sword Performance
Traditional Japanese Dance (Sally Suzuki & guest from Japan)
J-Pop Band (Penny Lane All Stars)
Sword Manipulation (Iaido) Demonstration
Japanese Wadaiko (Drum) Band (Tatsu Aoki)
Karate & Martial Arts Demonstration
Kamui Performance (Kill Bill Actors)
Vision Cosplay Contest(Crowne Plaza Hotel)

Other Events
1.	Anime industry (Hiroaki Inoue), voice actor (Chris Patton) workshop, 
panel discussion, autographs
2.	Workshops on Para Para dancing, sword collecting, Japanese Culture, 
Life in Japan
3.	Dealer tables with anime goods for sale from event sponsors
4.	Traditional Japanese dance, Japanese Tea Ceremony, Gothic Lolita Tea 
Party, Workshop on proper wearing of traditional kimono, hair and 

US Japanimation Alliance
Chairman: Joseph M. Palermo

This organization includes many enthusiastic members from American 
university anime clubs, as well as local area clubs.  Currently there 
are approximately 4,300 registered members.  Mr. Palermo has lived in 
Japan for eight years and speaks fluent Japanese. He first became a 
passionate anime fan in the early 1980’s.  He is currently the owner of 
“Japanimation City” (www.japanimationcity.com).  This company was 
formed online in 1999 for the purpose of selling original Japanese 
animation production cels, and other anime related goods.

Global Vision, NFP

Established to promote cultural and economic exchange between the US 
and Japan.  They continue to stage cultural events in the US to promote 
Japanese martial arts, musical events featuring.  Every year they 
cooperate with the city of Chicago to bring blues musicians to Japan 
for the Japanese Summer Festival.  In 2004, they brought Japanese 
“Tsugaru Shamisen” musicians to participate in the Chicago Blues 
Festival.  They also bring young Japanese to the US as part of their 
internship program.

Anime Sound & Vision Sponsorship
Additional sponsors and advertisers are still welcome for this event, 
as individuals, or as a company or group.
Translators and volunteers are also welcome. Please contact us !!

Sponsors can provide:

1.	Monetary contributions
2.	Advertisement in the event program book.  Deadline for ads is Oct. 
Ads start at $50.00 (1/4 page b&w).

Please contact: Global Vision, NFP

		TEL: 630-782-1916
		yamanaka at globalvision21.com

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