Experimental cinema. A brief survey
Mark L. Feinsod
Thu Nov 11 11:27:45 EST 2004
Mr. Fowler,
Have you posted your inquiry on Frameworks, an e-list devoted to
experimental cinema? The e-mail address is
FRAMEWORKS at LISTSERV.AOL.COM, although you'll have to join in order to
be able to post.
The list is comprised of many experimental film and video-makers --
hopefully, some people there can help you.
feinsodville at mac.com / iamcoolerthanyou at feinsodville.com
"[corporate culture is nothing more than the] 'crystallization of the
stupidity of a group of people at a given moment.'"
-- Corinne Maier, "Bonjour Paresse"
On Nov 11, 2004, at 1:35 AM, Dean Luis Reyes wrote:
> Dear colleagues:
> My name is Victor Fowler and I work in the International School of Film
> and TV (Cuba) as Head of the Department of Publications. We are
> publishing a digital review on film and television and our main
> interests
> is to present a wide vision on these subjects. Our next issue will deal
> with avant-garde and experimental cinema and we are sending a pair of
> questions to experts and filmmakers who could help us to understand the
> landscape of contemporary experimental cinema. As you could suppose we
> know history and facts of USA's cinema (mainly), France, Germany,
> England
> and a little bit or nothing about other countries. We offer no pay, but
> an opportunity to reach a wider audience, especially in the schools of
> cinema of Latin America. Thanks for your time. Kind regards.
> 1- Why to become an experimental filmmaker? Why not to follow a career
> into the industry (considering salaries, awards, fame...)?
> 2- How could be sustained a circuit of experimental film? Which social
> actors or institutions should be part of the process?
> 3- In recent years interest in experimental films has grow in countries
> like India. Do you think that experimentation is a kind of natural step
> in national cinemas or, in this case, another consequence of
> globalisation?
> 4- Today experimental techniques are learned in schools (sometimes
> there
> are workshops even in middle-schools) and we have a lot of prices,
> festivals, magazines and so on in the subject. Perhaps we have a
> rethoric
> of experimental cinema? How to differentiate between this and
> authenticity?
> 5- Considering the developments in the field of video, computing arts,
> experimental cinema and video-games (as spaces of "audio-visuality").
> Are
> we approaching to a new type of synthetic art and artist?
> If you have time to answer, we'll feel deeply honoured publishing your
> ideas. The name of our electronic review is Miradas and the address:
> www.miradas.eictv.co.cu
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