Zatoichi 2

Henrik Sylow henrik_sylow
Wed Nov 3 13:12:31 EST 2004

For some months now, Kitano has been appearing in public with blonde hair,
which has caused fans to speculate about "Zatoichi 2". I can now confirm,
that Kitano indeed is making "Zatoichi 2". 


As the story goes, when Kitano agreed to make "Zatoichi", he also agreed to
make a sequel, if the first film would become a huge succes. Kitano didn't
talk about it, as he hadn't decided when to make it. After all, he had only
promised to make it, but not when, and he had already decided to dedicate
2004 to acting. But in August 2004, the contracts were signed and about the
same time, Kitano dyed his hair blond again.


His production plan seems to be, that he will shoot "Zatoichi 2", then in
March begin shooting of his next film. I have no info on to what degree he
is involved in Wong's "The Lady from Shanghai", while Kidman is on, Kitanos
name has only been mentioned as a possible.


Henrik Sylow <> 



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