Shochiku Film Fund

tanaka taro tarouttt
Sat Oct 16 05:15:24 EDT 2004

This somehow reminds me of the Citizen Producer System, which Takamine Go 
set up, be it on a much smaller scale, for his film Tsuru Henry (1998) .
The idea was to gather a minimum budget of 5 million yen, by having at 
least ten individual investors ('citizens') save 20,000 yen a month over a 
period of 2 years. All investors would then share the rights (and possible 

I don't know if Tsuru Henry made any profit, and if another film was ever 
made with this system though.
Luk Van Haute

>From: Aaron Gerow <aaron.gerow at>
>Reply-To: KineJapan at
>To: KineJapan <KineJapan at>
>Subject: Shochiku Film Fund
>Date: Wed, 13 Oct 2004 14:30:33 -0400
>Shochiku announced that its planned jidaigeki, Shinobu, starring 
>Odagiri Jo and Nakama Yukie, will be partially financed by a "film 
>fund" collecting money from individual investors. This is a system 
>that already exists in Europe and Korea, but has not really been 
>done in Japan. Individual investors will buy a share at 100,000 yen 
>apiece, obtain various special goodies (like updates on production, 
>invitation to the preview, one's name on the DVD, etc.), and then a 
>share of the profits if there are any (even if there is no profit, 
>some of the money will return). Shochiku argues this is a new way to 
>finance Japanese cinema and involve regular fans and investors in 
>Aaron Gerow
>KineJapan owner
>Assistant Professor
>Film Studies Program/East Asian Languages and Literatures
>Yale University
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