"cohi jikou", "daremo shiranai" and new Japanese talents ?
Valerie-Anne Christen
Mon Sep 13 04:38:11 EDT 2004
I've seen HHH's film ("Kohi jikou"), which turned out to be a light hommage to Ozu (the scenes of the family eating together...) and definitely a hommage to a certain Tokyo, much closer to my experiences and impressions as a gaijin in Tokyo then the ones conveyed by "Lost in Translation" : HHH shows the fascinating circulation of trains in this city (especially near Ochanomizu), the old kissaten, the small mansions (where the main character lives) in an ordinary neighbourhood, the particular light of the Tokyo summer... I really enjoyed re-experiencing these feelings which were my first impressions of Tokyo. And the main actress is good !
As for "Daremo shiranai", I've seen it twice, and it is my best Japanese film, and my best film, for a long time. I was deeply impressed first of all by the storytelling, all made of subtle details which all express some detail of the story and make sense. A few examples out of hundred : the smaller brother who almost falls out of the window, as a light announcement of the final event. The elder sister asking her elder brother if he caught cold because his voice is strange, when he is slowly changing from child into teenager. I appreciated Kore-Eda before, and some of his style is again in this film (a general softness in story and pictures, some out-of-time-and-yet-contemporary taste), but I think this one is his masterpiece. The film is a cycle, a circle, a microcosme. Again, no single detail, in dialogue or image, is superfluous. The frames are all expressive - and beautiful. The actor's direction is amazing, the kids are perfect. It is of course deeply moving, without eve
r being pushy in emotion (the only weak point for me is the song in the end). It is never arty but for me highly artistic. I remember feeling such impressions after "H Story" or "Sharasoyu".
Definitely, Japanese film is not dead. I only wonder if there are interesting directors below 30... For those on the list who read my post till here (otsukaresama !), does anyone have hints for new talents ? Or in which direction to search ?
Valerie-Anne, Tokyo
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