"lost in america"

anne mcknight akmck at sympatico.ca
Mon Apr 4 05:44:22 EDT 2005


I'm wondering if anyone currently residing in Japan has seen a copy of the
taidan-shû "Lost in America" for sale--or would be willing to lend it to me
for a week or so. 

It's a collection with Kurosawa Kiyoshi, other indie directors & fringe
intelli types, talking about post-studio American film. [From Amazon: ロスト・
青山 真治 (著), 黒沢 清 (著), 安井 豊 (著), 阿部 和重 (著), 塩田 明彦 (著),
稲川 方人 (編集), 樋口 泰人 (編集)]

I've tried all the usual search engines, on-line stores and old-fashioned
brick-and-mortar places I could think of, but haven't been able to turn up a
copy (short of the dreaded National Diet Library). Thanks for any help; I'll
treat the book kindly of course, will happily reimburse its way to & from
its destination.


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