Fwd: Japanese Religion in Film

Aaron Gerow aaron.gerow at yale.edu
Tue Apr 12 11:38:43 EDT 2005

If you have a response to this, please make sure to cc a copy of a 
on-list response to the original author.

> From: mrowe at Princeton.EDU
> Dear Colleagues,
> Apologies for cross-posting.
> A friend has asked me to post this on his behalf:
> As you may recall, I've been commissioned to write an entry on religion
> and film in Japan for the forthcoming Encyclopedia of Religion and
> Film. I was wondering if you could post a question for me on the email
> listserve that we talked about. My question is: "what are the most
> important Japanese films that deal with religion in a significant way?"
> I'm looking for films that are available in English. Of course, any
> auxiliary suggestions for reading or research would be greatly
> appreciated.
> There you go: a very general question for a very broad topic. Such is
> the nature of encyclopedic work. If you or anyone wishes to contact me
> directly with suggestions, feel free to email: mitchellk at cofc.edu
> <mailto:mitchellk at cofc.edu> . Also, if you're interested in learning
> more about the encyclopedia, check out
> http://www.facstaff.bucknell.edu/mazur/encyclopedia/Index.html
> <http://www.facstaff.bucknell.edu/mazur/encyclopedia/Index.html> .
> Please cc me any responses so that I may produce a digest for the list.
> Thank you in advance.
> Mark Rowe
> Princeton University

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