Cannes competition / PRINCESS RACCOON at
Tue Apr 19 12:19:30 EDT 2005

Talking of PRINCESS RACCOON, has anyone actually seen this yet? I just
talked to a Japanese person who saw it recently, and she described it as
"embarassing". I can see that the very concept has a lot of scope for
failure. I am just wondering because I've always had a soft spot for
Suzuki's films, but perhaps I shouldn't set my hopes too high with this one.


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--------- Original Message --------
From: KineJapan at
To: KineJapan at <KineJapan at>
Subject: RE: Cannes competition
Date: 19/04/05 06:18

> The list of press agents on the Cannes website
> ( mentions French sales company Celluloid
> Dreams as the contact for Kobayashi's BASHING, which would explain a lot
> they hold quite a powerful position in the French film world.
> Does anybody have any information on the film (even a Japanese title)?
> The site also shows that Seijun Suzuki's OPERETTA TANUKI GOTEN / PRINCESS
> RACCOON will be screened out of competition, which is rather more exciting
> news.
> No Japanese presence in the Un Certain Regard sidebar, though.
> of the parallel sections, the Critics' Week and the Directors' Fortnight,
> will be made this Thursday and next Tuesady, respectively.
> Tom
> Midnight Eye
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