Fwd: fyi: Lifting the Shadow
Mark Nornes
Wed Apr 13 20:19:06 EDT 2005
Dear Friends,
Find enclosed an announcement of an open conference on war in the
nuclear age to take place on the occasion of the UN's NPT meeting in
New York City on May 2, and on the occasion of the sixtieth anniversary
of the dawn of the nuclear age and the atomic bombing of Hiroshiima and
The conference poster is available on the home page at
Lifting the Shadow: Toward a Nuclear-Weapons-Free World
Please join us for a conference that will address the political, moral,
and cultural dimensions of the growing nuclear threat and help mobilize
for its elimination
When: May 2, 2005
Where: The Graduate Center
365 Fifth Avenue (at 34th St.)
City University of New York
The conference will be followed by an open reception in honor of atomic
bomb survivors and an evening of music, political satire, poetry, and
survivor testimony.
Conference Schedule (9:15 - 5:30)
Welcoming Remarks
Michael Flynn, Department of Political Science & Psychology, York
College, City University of New York (CUNY); Associate Director, Center
on Terrorism, John Jay College, CUNY; Editor, The Second Nuclear Age:
Political and Psychocultural Perspectives
Nuclear Proliferation, War, and Terrorism
Chair: Peter Kuznick, Department of History, and Director, Nuclear
Studies Institute, American University; Author, Beyond the Laboratory;
Co-editor, Rethinking Cold War Culture
John Burroughs, Executive Director, Lawyers' Committee on Nuclear
Policy; Author, The Legality of Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons
Helen Caldicott, Co-winner, 1985 Nobel Peace Prize; President, Nuclear
Policy Research Institute; Author, The New Nuclear Danger
Daniel Ellsberg, Author, Secrets: A Memoir of Vietnam and the Pentagon
Papers; Papers on the War
Zia Mian, Program on Science and Global Security, Princeton University;
Co-editor, Out of the Nuclear Shadow
Jonathan Schell, Harold Willens Peace Fellow, Nation Institute;
Distinguished Visiting Fellow, Yale Center for the Study of
Globalization; Author, Power, Nonviolence, and the Will of the People;
The Fate of the Earth (Los Angeles Times Book Award)
Lunchtime Forum: The Lessons of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Chair: Mark Selden, Departments of Sociology and History, Binghamton
University; Professorial Associate, Cornell University; Coordinator,
Japan Focus; Co-editor, Living With the Bomb: American and Japanese
Cultural Conflicts in the Nuclear Age
Tadatoshi Akiba, Mayor of Hiroshima; President, Mayors for Peace;
Author, Reconciliation Instead of Retaliation: A Message From Hiroshima
Gar Alperovitz, Lionel R. Bauman Professor of Political Economy,
University of Maryland, College Park; Author, The Decision to Use the
Atomic Bomb; Atomic Diplomacy: Hiroshima and Potsdam
Arjun Makhijani, President, Institute for Energy and Environmental
Research; Co-author, The Nuclear Power Deception; Co-editor, Nuclear
Writers and Artists on Life and Creativity in the Nuclear Age
Chair and additional speakers:? TBA
Eve Ensler, Author, Vagina Monologues; Founder, V-Day
Amy Goodman, Co-host, Democracy Now!; Co-author, The Exception to the
Paul Shambroom, Photographer, Face to Face With the Bomb: Nuclear
Reality After the Cold War
Religious and Moral Perspectives on Nuclear War and Proliferation
Chair: Jennifer Simons, Director, The Simons Centre for Disarmament
and Non-Proliferation Research, University of British Columbia;
President, Simons Foundation
James Carroll, Columnist, Boston Globe; Author, Crusade: Chronicles of
an Unjust War; An American Requiem (National Book Award)
Rev. Herbert Daughtry, National Pastor, House of the Lord Pentecostal
Susannah Heschel, Eli Black Associate Professor of Jewish Studies and
Chair, Jewish Studies Program, Dartmouth College; Author, Abraham
Geiger and the Jewish Jesus
Robert Jay Lifton, Harvard Medical School; Author, The Superpower
Syndrome; Death in Life (National Book Award); Co-author, Hiroshima in
Christopher Weeramantry, Former Vice President, International Court of
Reception (5:30-6:30)
Honoring Fifty Years of Struggle: A Reception for Nihon Hidankyo (The
Japan Confederation of A & H Bomb Sufferers Organizations)
Terumi Tanaka, General Secretary, Nihon Hidankyo
Evening concert/performance/testimony (7-10:30)
Barry Crimmins, Political Satirist; Author, Never Shake Hands With a
War Criminal
Carolyn Forch?, Poet, The Angel of History (Los Angeles Times Book
Award); Editor, Against Forgetting: Twentieth Century Poetry of
Witness; recipient of the Edita and Ira Morris Hiroshima Foundation for
Peace and Culture Award
Marilyn Hacker, Poet, Desesperanto: Poems 1999-2002; Winter Numbers
(Lenore Marshall Poetry Prize and Lambda Literary Award); Selected
Poems, 1965-1990 (Poets' Prize); recipient of the John Masefield
Memorial Award of the Poetry Society of America
Yusef Komunyakaa, Poet, Neon Vernacular: New and Selected Poems
(Pulitzer Prize); Dien Cai Dau (about the author's Vietnam War
experiences-selected as one of the best books for young adults in 1988
by the American Library Association)
Satoru Konishi, Hiroshima atomic bomb survivor; Assistant General
Secretary, Nihon Hidankyo; Professor Emeritus of German Studies,
University of Tokyo
David Krieger, President, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation; Co-author, 100
Peace Ideas; Editor, The Poetry of Peace; recipient of the Peace
Educator of the Year Award of the Consortium of Peace Research,
Education and Development
Stephan Smith, Singer/Songwriter; recent albums include Slash and Burn;
New World Worder
Sumiteru Taniguchi, Nagasaki atomic bomb survivor
Quincy Troupe, Poet, Transcircularities: New and Selected Poems
(Publishers Weekly selection as one of the 10 best books of poetry in
2002); Miles: The Autobiography (American Book Award)
C. K. Williams, Poet, The Singing (National Book Award); Repair
(Pulitzer Prize)
Registration fee (includes entry to evening event): $25 ($15 students).
Evening event only: $10 ($5 students). No one turned away if unable to
To register: 212-817-8215 or continuinged at gc.cuny.edu.
For more info: kuznick at american.edu. Website
Nuclear Studies Institute, American University
Center on Terrorism, John Jay College, CUNY
Continuing Education & Public Programs, The Graduate Center, CUNY
York College, CUNY
Nuclear Education Project
Japan Focus
Peace Action
Peace History Society
Advisory Board Members:
Tadatoshi Akiba (Mayor, Hiroshima)
Gar Alperovitz (University of Maryland)
Stanley Aronowitz (CUNY)
Kai Bird
John Burroughs (Lawyers' Committee on Nuclear Policy)
Jacqueline Cabasso (Western States Legal Foundation)
Helen Caldicott (Nuclear Policy Research Institute)
Janet Coleman (WBAI, New York)
Ram Devineni (Rattapallax Press)
John Dower (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Rolf Ekeus (SIPRI)
Daniel Ellsberg
Tom Engelhardt (Nation Institute)
Atsushi Fujioka (Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto)
Natalie Goldring (Center for Peace and Security Studies, Georgetown
Susannah Heschel (Tikkun; Dartmouth College)
Hosea Hirata (Tufts University)
Dominick Jenkins (Greenpeace-UK)
David Krieger (Nuclear Age Peace Foundation)
David Levine (The Graduate Center, CUNY)
Robert Jay Lifton (Harvard Medical School)
Arjun Makhijani (Institute for Energy and Environmental Research)
Kevin Martin (Peace Action)
Zia Mian (Program on Science and Global Security, Princeton University)
Alistair Millar (Fourth Freedom Foundation)
Bradford Morrow (Bard College)
Bob Musil (Physicians for Social Responsibility)
Jonathan Schell (Yale University)
Martin Sherwin (Tufts University)
Jennifer Simons (Simons Foundation; University of British Columbia)
Alice Slater (Global Resources Action Center for the Environment)
Stephan Smith
John Steinbach (Hiroshima-Nagasaki Peace Committee of the National
Capitol Area)
Charles Strozier (Center on Terrorism, CUNY)
Kathleen Sullivan (Educators for Social Responsibility, Metropolitan
David Theroux (The Independent Institute)
Aaron Tovish (Mayors for Peace)
Lawrence Wittner (State University of New York-Albany)
mark selden
coordinator, japan focus http://japanfocus.org
ms44 at cornell.edu
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