Momotaro no umiwashi (Kinouniya DVD info)

Eija Margit Niskanen emniskanen at
Thu Aug 4 19:01:20 EDT 2005

Thanks for the information! I will join Michael at Suginami Animation 

On Aug 4, 2005, at 8:13 PM, M Arnold wrote:

> This is great to know! I've been hearing rumors about the Suginami 
> Animation Museum but I haven't gotten around to visiting it myself. I 
> certainly didn't know they had the Kinokuniya set available for 
> viewing. I haven't watched the Ofuji set yet, but I will soon. . . 
> Thanks for the information!
> Michael Arnold
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Akiko Sugawa" 
> <a-sugawa-8 at>
>> I just found out that Suginami Animation Museum had Kinokuniya's 
>> "Nihon Art Animation" 12 DVDs, and other art animation DVDs like 
>> Noburo Ofuji's etc.  You can watch DVDs at an AV booth.  You need to 
>> fill out your name and address when you check out a DVD, but no ID is 
>> required.  It's so crowded on weekends, but there are not so many 
>> visitors on weekdays. This week "Fukuchan no Sensuikan" is showing on 
>> a big screen from 11am. The admission fee (200 yen) is free till 
>> October.
>> Akiko Sugawa

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