Re: question/favour

Alex Zahlten Alex.Zahlten at
Fri Aug 19 03:48:51 EDT 2005

Hi Juan,

there have been several studies regarding television violence in Japan, 
usually comparing it to American programs; they usually claim that there 
are significant differences as to portrayal of violence and whom the 
violence afflicts. While in the US, the "bad guys" are usually n the 
recipient side, with "clean" violence being the main form, in Japanese 
programs more often the positive protagonist is the one afflicted. Also, 
much more emphasis laid on the effects, with protracted scenes of 
suffering which barely appear on the US side. 
I haven't read the studies themselves, so can't say anything about their 
validity, but you can check out:

Hagiwara, S., Violence on Television in Asia: a case of Japan. in: KEIO 
Communication Review, 11, 1990
Iwao, S. et al, Japanese ans U.S. Media: Some cross-cultural insights into 
TV violence. in:Journal of Communication, 31, 1981

It would be interesting to see how such results apply to film (or don't). 


Alex Zahlten


alex at

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