Warning: Slightly odd request

Paul Kraly seaotter37
Sat Aug 13 10:26:21 EDT 2005

I'm backed into a corner.  I'd like to contact a hentai writer in Japan 
who would be open to the idea of taking over a synopsis and script I've 
been writing.  I don't want any compensation or anything like that; I'd 
just really like my idea to be brought to life somehow.  If someone, 
anyone, could please put me in touch with a writer in that genre, I'd be 
thrilled.  The story in question is adults-only but it's very tasteful 
and romantic (at least I think it is), and I'm getting nowhere 
approaching hentai producers because I am not Japanese. :-(

Soooo, I need a writer to team up with. :-)  Let me know if you can help.


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