help with DVD hunt

Marty Gross marty
Fri Aug 19 15:44:24 EDT 2005

Dear Emma Smith,

Funny you should ask, we are the distributors of the "A Donald Richie 

The cost is $ 80. for home use.


Marty Gross Film Productions

>hello all.
>For my MA dissertation, i need to find two certain DVD's and i was 
>wondering if any of you know where i can get these from.
>"A Donald Richie Anthology" and "Illumination Ghost" by Takashi Ito.
>I need these and any other japanese experimental works either video 
>or dvd (i have a page of madness and eros plus massacre).
>Thanks for your help
>Emma Smith
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Marty Gross Film Productions Inc.
637 Davenport Road
Toronto, Canada M5R 1L3
tel: + 416 536 3355, Fax: + 416 535 0583
marty at
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