Fenton photos on Slate.com

Peter High peterbhigh2004
Fri Jun 10 19:37:45 EDT 2005


This posting has nothing to do with my recent query about Lumieres business practices. I will be addressing at some length the kind and informative responses provided by several list members in the next couple of days.

Nor, in fact, does this posting have anything to do with Japanese film.Rather, assuming that those interested in cinema would also be interested in the early history of the photographic image, I'd like to direct list members' attention to a very interesting annotated slide show available on  the news/culture commentary site, Slate.com. The topic is the work of Roger Fenton, the English photographer who predated Mathew Brady by about a decade in the field of wartime photographic reportage (Fenton covered the Crimean War of the early 1850s). If you find this topic of interest, you should also check out the much more complete essay on Fenton published in THE NEW YORK REVIEW OF BOOKS several months back (I can't recall the date of the issue, but I believe it was April).

You can access the site by clicking here: http://slate.com/id/2114884/

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