
=%iso-8859-1?Q?G=F6ran_Wernstr=F6m?= goran.wernstrom
Mon Jun 13 15:35:26 EDT 2005

Dear Subscribers
 I?m a new subscriber.
Name: G?ran Wernstr?m
Institution/employment: unaffiliated, former senior lecturer, Film 
                                   Studies department, University of Gothenburg,Sweden.

City and country: Gothenburg (G?teborg), Sweden
Research projects or publications: 1996 Doctoral dissertation Lund University, Sweden: Medvetet/omedvetet och filmber?ttande. En studie i Akira Kurosawas film SJU SAMURAJER. Literal translation: conscious/unconscious and filmic narration.A study in Akira Kurosawa?s film Seven Samurai. (Written in Swedish with a summary in English)
Interest with regard to Japanese film and moving image media:I take quite a broad, varied and general interest in Japanese film and narration. I?m still interested in Kurosawa though as yet in an unspecified sort of way. Referring to my dissertation as indication of my particular fields of interest in Kurosawa, thus dating back a bit, I could drop you a few key words/concepts: political unconscious (Jameson), Freudian unconscious, fear of death through castration induced not by the father but by the "evil mother"(forclusion du nom du p?re? Not in the dissertation). Modern, premodern. Auteur? History?Text of fictional film (or any fictional text) as a site of conflict with strivings to perform various symbolic solutions(with maybe tensions among themselves) to various real problems of different orders pertaining to(?).
 I am interested in reactions to modernity generally in narration, not only Japanese reactions, but specifically I?d like better to understand the Japanese attitudes.
My interest seems to be social and historical rather than aesthetic.Maybe...but I don?t know... 
This is of course all very muddled. My filmscholarly activity has had a few years rest. Though, I would like to join the piste once more and see if I still can manage in an upright position all the way down.
Best Regards
G?ran Wernstr?m

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