KINEJAPAN digest 1684
Tue Nov 15 16:03:20 EST 2005
Hi all KineJapan readers,
Although the position that the department wants to fill is not
specifically on Japanese cinema, for some of you who might be interested
should apply.
Mitsuyo Wada-Marciano, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Film Studies
Carleton University
Film Studies, Carleton University
Carleton University?s Film Studies program invites application for a
tenure-track position at the rank of Assistant Professor beginning 1
July 2006. Applicants should have expertise in one of the two following
areas: 1) transnationalism, globalization or diaspora communities, with
preference being given to those working in the cinemas of Africa, the
Middle East, South Asia or Europe; 2) contemporary cinema, with a
special emphasis on the influence of new media technologies and
intermediality. The successful candidate will be expected to teach a
range of courses in film studies from first year to the M.A. level,
supervise graduate students, and develop a program of research leading
to significant peer-reviewed publications. He or she may also be
expected to contribute to Carleton University?s doctoral program in
Cultural Mediations. This is an interdisciplinary Ph.D. in arts and
culture which draws upon faculty and other resources from film,
literature, music and art history. Applicants must have a Ph.D., a
strong commitment to scholarship reflected in publications, an active
research profile and demonstrated excellence in teaching. Complete
applications, including a curriculum vitae, a writing sample and
teaching dossier should be sent to Dr Andre' Loiselle, Acting Director,
School for Studies in Art and Culture, Carleton University, 1125 Colonel
By Drive, Ottawa, Ontario K1S 5B6. Applicants should also arrange for
three letters of reference to be sent separately. Initial screening of
applications will begin on 1 February 2006, and continue until the
position is filled.All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply. The
applications of Canadians and Permanent Residents will be considered
first. Carleton University is committed to equality of employment for
women, aboriginal people, visible minorities and people with
disabilities. Persons from these groups are especially encouraged to
apply. This position is subject to budgetary approval.
KineJapan at wrote:
> KINEJAPAN Digest 1684
>Topics covered in this issue include:
> 1) Conference on Asian Comics, Animation & Gaming
> by "Jonathan M. Hall" <jmhall at>
> 2) Aoyama taidan
> by Aaron Gerow <aaron.gerow at>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject:
> Conference on Asian Comics, Animation & Gaming
> From:
> "Jonathan M. Hall" <jmhall at>
> Date:
> Thu, 10 Nov 2005 08:12:26 -0800
> To:
> KineJapan <KineJapan at>, Asia Cinema Studies
> Workshop <jmhall at>
>Please contact Wendy Siuyi Wong, at York University in Ontario,
>wsywong at if you have questions or
>want further information about this conference.
>International Conference on Asian Comics, Animation &
>Gaming (ACAG 2006)
>May 18-19, 2006
>York University, Ontario, Canada
>The goal of the ACAG 2006 conference is to provide an
>international forum for presenting recent research on
>the emerging cultural markets in China and the Asian
>countries and to investigate the transnational issues
>of Asian cultural products, focusing on comics,
>animation and digital games in relation with the
>global world. The purpose of the conference is to
>promote scholarship and intellectual engagement
>between academics and cultural production
>professionals on the conference themes and topics from
>various backgrounds.
>Cultural economy and transnational imaginary
>Papers that explore critical, philosophical and
>creative issues on Asian comics, animation, and
>digital games by drawing on the methodological and
>conceptual knowledge from a variety of disciplines are
>invited. Possible disciplines and topics may include,
>but are not limited to the following:
>?Cultural economy, product, market and industry
>?Cultural studies and cultural identity
>?East Asian Studies, South Asian Studies, Asia-Pacific
>?Anime and manga studies
>?Gender studies and body
>?Sociology, class and consumer cultures
>?Critical theory and representation
>?Human/cultural geography
>?Cross-cultural comparisons
>?Religious themes
>?History and cultural change
>?Aesthetic and creativity
>?Film studies
>?Fan culture and lifestyle studies
>?Cyberspace and Internet world
>?East and West Philosophy
>?Localism, Globalism, Transnationalism
>Keynote speakers
>1) Professor John Lent, Mass Media and Communication
>Program, Temple University
>2) TBC
>Important dates
>Submission of abstracts: November 21, 2005
>Acceptance of abstracts: December 7, 2005
>Submission of full papers for review: March 1, 2006
>Acceptance of full papers with revisions: March 15,
>Accepted papers due: April 3, 2006
>Conference: May 18-19, 2006
>Abstract requirements
>Initial submission should be in form of a word
>document attached to an email and submitted
>electronically to acag-ycar at with the subject
>heading ?ACAG abstract submission.? Each abstract
>should be no longer than 200 words, including the
>title (and subtitle if applicable), name(s) of the
>author(s), affiliations, mailing address(es), email
>address(es), two or three keywords that describe the
>submission. Submissions must be received by November
>21, 2005.
>Refereeing of papers
>Selection of full papers for presentation will be a
>two-stage process. First, all abstracts will be
>reviewed. Author(s) selected will be invited to
>submit a full paper (no longer than 3000 words) for a
>further review process. Both abstracts and full
>papers will be peer reviewed by a panel of experts in
>the related fields. Selected abstracts and full
>papers will be published in the refereed conference
>Conference organization
>This conference is being organized by York Centre for
>Asian Research (YCAR). For general enquiries or
>further information, please contact Conference Chair:
>Conference Chair: Dr. Wendy Siuyi Wong, Associate
>Director, YCAR; Department of Design, Faculty of Fine
>Arts, York University. Email: wsywong at
>International Journal of Comic Art
>Asian Cinema Studies Society
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject:
> Aoyama taidan
> From:
> Aaron Gerow <aaron.gerow at>
> Date:
> Thu, 10 Nov 2005 15:07:16 -0500
> To:
> KineJapan <KineJapan at>
> I thought some people might be interested in a taidan I did with
> Aoyama Shinji in the most recent issue of Eiga geijutsu:
> "Tasha toshite no ?Amerika eiga? to ?Nihon eiga?? (?American Film? and
> ?Japanese Film? as the Other). Eiga geijutsu 413 (Autumn 2005): 51-57.
> It's a rather odd discussion, one not always successful (ostensibly we
> are trying to rethink Japanese cinema in light of recent shifts in
> global and national culture, but I don't know if we got that far), but
> I thought it might amuse some of you.
> Aaron Gerow
> Assistant Professor
> Film Studies Program/East Asian Languages and Literatures
> Director of Undergraduate Studies, Film Studies Program
> Yale University
> 53 Wall Street, Room 316
> PO Box 208363
> New Haven, CT 06520-8363
> Phone: 1-203-432-7082
> Fax: 1-203-432-6764
> e-mail: aaron.gerow at
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