TIFF Awards

Chris Radcliff crad60 at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 31 22:13:22 EST 2005

I saw Who's Camus Anyway a few weeks ago at the NYFF,
where Mr. Yanigamachi and one of the actors spoke
afterwards.  I personally loved the film, it was sort
of an Altman-esque ensemble piece (even including an
opening shot modeled after The Player) and the young
cast were quite impressive.  

When asked if he saw the character of the professor as
a version of himself, he pretty much denied it.  The
theme of the film he stressed was the emotional
disconnect felt by young people in Japan today,
something he has observed over the years while working
as a film professor in Tokyo.  My film history
professor, who programs the NYFF and spoke personally
with Mr. Yanigamachi, told me that the film has been
courting some interest from some small US
distributors, so here's hoping it gets a theatrical
release sometime in the near future.


PS. I guess I never introduced myself to the list; 
I'm a graduate film student at Columbia University, I
minored in Asian studies in undergrad, with a focus on
Japanese film - right now I am interested in learning
about the Japanese New Wave of the 60's/70's,
taiyozoku films, and the ATG.  If anyone can recommend
decent english texts on these topics, I would greatly
appreciate it.

--- Eija Margit Niskanen <emniskanen at wisc.edu> wrote:

> I missed Ski Jumping Pairs, but Yanamigachi's film
> was an interesting 
> story of a group of university art department
> students and their 
> professor, who are making a film. The professor is
> kind of an alter ego 
> for Yanagimachi, who like the director himself, has
> not been able to 
> make a film in 19 years.
> Eija
> On Oct 31, 2005, at 7:55 PM, Mark Nornes wrote:
> >
> > On Monday, October 31, 2005, at 01:20  AM, Eija
> Margit Niskanen wrote:
> >
> >> Who's Camus Anyway? dir. Mitsuo Yanagimachi
> >> Special Award
> >> Ski Jumping Pairs -Road to Torino 2006- dir.
> Masaki Kobayashi
> >
> > I've very curious. Has anyone seen these films?
> >
> > Markus
> >

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