National Culture Revisited: Symposium in Nagoya

FUJIKI Hideaki hfuji
Tue Oct 18 02:14:19 EDT 2005

Open Symposium hosted by Nagoya University

"National Culture Revisited: Everyday Lives and Public Spheres in Imperial 

???Admission Free
???Simultaneous Interpretation (Japanese/English) Offered

    This symposium is part of a project that re-inquires about the 
relationship between everyday lives and public spheres in modern and 
contemporary Japan. As its first stage, this project aims to discuss issues 
of Japanese subjectivity in prewar Japan, reconsidering its relation to 
diverse cultural aspects, including the media, literature, intellectual 
thoughts, education, and physical bodies. We will shed light not only on the 
socio-economic structure of the nation-state, but also on such performative 
phases as senses, values, acts, and culture in people???s everyday lives. In 
so doing, we intend to analyze people's involvement with the state.
There have been two remarkable trends in post-war discussions on the nation. 
One is what can be called the "discourse of people as victims." According to 
this view, the state duped people and was responsible for guiding them to 
war. The other trend can be called the "discourse of people as accomplices," 
which argues that ordinary people actively helped achieve nationalistic and 
imperialistic aspirations. Despite their differences, however, both of these 
trends have assumed a binary opposition between the state and its people and 
have concentrated on judging whether people have resisted or complied 
vis-??-vis the state. Certainly, the nation-state, as both an imaginative 
category and a system, is likely to integrate people repressively, 
homogeneously, and rigidly. But, attempts to escape from this framework are 
unrealistic. Thus, we need to ask how we can deal with and make use of this 
category and system, rather than only how we can oppose it. Our symposium, 
we hope, will encourage participants to reconsider this inquiry in terms of 
culture and everyday life. How is it possible for the nation-state to 
promote and guarantee people's diversity, fluidity, and self-determination? 
Did certain attempts and practices do so in the past? If they did, how were 
they realized? If not, what were the obstacles? How were culture and 
everydayness related to the situations? How did the formation and 
transformation of public spheres???not simply face-to-face communications, but 
complex social relations that take place in various sites including media, 
local communities, workplaces, and schools???concern people's activities 
vis-??-vis the nation-state? Above all, how did people historically interact 
with the state, and how was culture involved?
    The main focus of this symposium is on the early twentieth century, 
which can be seen as the initial stage of Japanese "democracy," while 
putting into perspective the 1930s and the first half of the 1940s, when 
nationalism and militarism dominated more powerfully. Rather than conducting 
exhaustive examinations, our discussion will be grounded in the problematics 
that presenters and commentators raise.

2:00pm-7:00pm, Sunday 13 November, 2005

Aichi Arts Center 12th floor, Art Space A
??????5 minutes from Sakae Station on Higashiyama and Meijo Lines
??????1-13-2 Higashi Sakura, Higashi-ku, Nagoya, Japan
??????Phone: (052)971-5511   Website:

Keynote Speakers:
Harry Harootunian (New York University, US), "Time, Experience and the 
Specter of Fascism: Temporalizing Space, Spatializing Temporality"
Park Yuha (Sejong University, Korea), "The Individual and the State in the 
1910s: What Soseki's Individualism Tells"

Roundtable Discussion:
Harry Haroounian
Park Yuha
Yoshimi Shunya (University of Tokyo)
Peter B. High (Nagoya University)
Tsuboi Hideto (Chair, Nagoya University)

Principal Commentators:
Kitano Keisuke (Niigata University)
Nishikawa Yuko (Kyoto Bunkyo University)
Sano Masato (Tohoku University)
Barbara Sato (Seikei University)

Organizers (Nagoya University):
Tsuboi Hideto (Chair)
Fujiki Hideaki
Fukuda Mahito
Peter B. High
Ito Akihiro
Kawada Minoru

For further information, please contact:
Fujiki Hideaki, Graduate School of Letters, Nagoya University
jculture at

This event is part of the "Modern Japanese Studies Project Reconsidering 
Relationships between Everyday Lives and Public Spheres in Modern Japan," 
funded by a Grant under the President's Discretion at Nagoya University, 





2005???11???13???????????????14:00 ??????






jculture at


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