Forthcoming DVD releases and Imai's Ani Imoto

Alexander Jacoby a_p_jacoby at
Thu Aug 24 06:55:16 EDT 2006

Dear all,
  Is there anywhere on the internet (or failing that, on paper!) where one can get hold of a reliable list of forthcoming releases of Japanese films on DVD? The list could be either in Japanese or in English but should give accurate release dates and be reasonably comprehensive. If possible, it should indicate which DVDs are subtitled in English and which are not. I'm also interested in Japanese films being released in other countries, so the question goes to for any website listing Japanese films about to be released in America, England, Hong Kong, Australia, etc...
  Otherwise, I today watched Imai's Ani Imoto / Older Brother Younger Sister / Ino and Mon, and wondered if anyone could answer my query about the male lead (playing Ino). Alas I was not paying attention during the credits, but the man has very Caucasian-looking features and I would guess is half-Japanese, half-European / American. I wonder if anyone can confirm this and explain why, in a movie set within a Japanese family, with two Japanese parents, this might be the case. The actress playing Mon looks rather Western too, but this is more a matter of her hairstyle and makeup and such things and so only shows she's supposed to be Westernised. Ino's features are definitely un-Japanese-looking.

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