AW: Amazing-looking Mizoguchi event
Thu Aug 17 05:23:15 EDT 2006

No fears, I have it on good authority that there'll be a lot of the obscurer
Mizoguchi coming out in the UK on DVD next year, though I should hush now
before I say too much...

--------- Original Message --------
From: KineJapan at
To: KineJapan at <KineJapan at>
Subject: Re: AW: Amazing-looking Mizoguchi event
Date: 16/08/06 18:02

> On Wednesday 16 August 2006 10:31, Roland Domenig wrote:
> &gt; The 50. anniversary of Mizoguchi's death also brings a series of DVD
> &gt; releases.
> Alas -- Shochiku has not announced any DVD releases of the Mizoguchi films
> from its library -- just as it seems to have given a pass to the Naruse
> centennial. And it never got around to issuing any Shimizu on DVD either. 
> had hoped for more from them.

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