Article on Sokurov's "The Sun"
Thu Aug 3 11:47:07 EDT 2006

It's interesting that the film is only playing in the Ginza Pathos cinema in
Tokyo, which as I recall it, was mainly a dumping ground where Japanese
films that would otherwise only get a straight-to-video release would play
just so that they could get a small theatrical run. I remember if being full
of cheap yakuza pictures and erotic films - including some foreign works by
directors like Tinto Brass. It isa bit too far off the beaten track (though
was very close to where I worked) to attract a loyal cinephile audience.
That said, I do recall a Koji Wakamatsu retrospective there at some point.
But all in all, if this is its only venue, it cant really be described as
getting a significant theatrical release in Tokyo.

--------- Original Message --------
From: KineJapan at
To: KineJapan at <KineJapan at>
Subject: Re: Article on Sokurov's "The Sun"
Date: 03/08/06 05:46

> Eiga geijutsu (no. 416) has a taidan between Sukurov and Adachi Masao,
> as well as a discussion between Arai Haruhiko, Aoki Kenji, and Kaminami
> Fumio on The Sun.
> Aaron Gerow
> KineJapan owner
> Assistant Professor
> Film Studies Program/East Asian Languages and Literatures
> Yale University
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