FYI: Japan-related panels at SCMS, March 8-11

Emma Newbery emmanewbery at
Mon Dec 18 06:10:22 EST 2006

Wow what a great line up. is there anyway i can get hold of any papers or 
info on this, as i wont be able to go buit would relist the information for 
my thesis!

Emma Newbery BA (hons), MA
Programme Leader
BTEC National Diploma in Media (Moving Image)
Blackpool and the Fylde College

>From: Mark Nornes <amnornes at>
>Reply-To: KineJapan at
>To: KineJapan <KineJapan at>
>Subject: FYI: Japan-related panels at SCMS, March 8-11
>Date: Sat, 16 Dec 2006 10:25:17 -0500
>S-P-E-L-L-I-N-G I-T O-U-T: Typography in Film
>Chair: Michael Baker (McGill University)
>Matthew Soar (Concordia University), "Type Set: For a Cultural  Economy of 
>Lettering and Typography in Cinema"
>Michael Baker (McGill University), "Wes Anderson’s Alphabet & the  Clothes 
>Characters Wear: Reading Directorial Style in Opening Credits"
>Daniel Fineman (Occidental College), "The Text of Undoing: Typography  in 
>Welles’ Mr. Arkadin"
>Sarah Teasley (University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth), "Reading the  
>Cinematic City: The Typography of Environmental Graphics in Prewar  
>Japanese Film"
>Respondent: Rembert Hueser (University of Minnesota)
>Japanese Cinema and Culture
>Chair: Daisuke Miyao (University of Oregon)
>Brian Ruh (Indiana University), "America’s Anime, Japan’s Anime:  
>Identifying Japanese Animation in Global Circulation"
>Daisuke Miyao (University of Oregon), "Japanese Men with Movie  Cameras: 
>'Lights, Camera, Nation!'"
>Akira Lippit (University of Southern California), "At the Center of  the 
>Outside: Japanese Cinema Nowhere"
>Alastair Phillips (University of Reading), "Unsettled Visions. Space,  Time 
>and Modernity in Imamura Shohei's Vengeance is Mine (1979)"
>The National in the Transnational: Ventriloquism in Korean Cinema
>Chair: JungBong Choi (New York University)
>Hye Jean Chung (University of California, Santa Barbara),  "Historicization 
>of Personal Testimony: The Reclamation of Voice in  The Murmuring"
>Sangjoon Lee (New York University), "Rewriting ‘Korean National  Cinema’ in 
>the Age of Transnational Imaginary: The First Period of  Shaw Brothers/Shin 
>Film Co-productions during the 1960s"
>Sueyoung Park-Primiano (New York University), "The Roundabout:  National 
>Identities in Transnational Korean Culture"
>HyunHee Park (University of Chicago), "Between Korea and Japan: On  Yoichi 
>Sai’s Cinematic Instability"
>Japanese Cinema: Gender and Genres
>Chair: Nicholas Schlegel (Wayne State University)
>Nicholas Schlegel (Wayne State University), "Identity Crisis:  Imperialist 
>Vampires in Japan?"
>Myoungsook Park (University of Iowa), "On Minority Representations in  
>Contemporary Japanese Cinema: Representations of Resident Koreans in  Go 
>(Yukisada Isao, 2001)"
>Deborah Shamoon (University of Notre Dame), "Domesticating Japanese  
>Girlhood: The Film Career of Misora Hibari, 1946-1955"
>Leslie Marsh (University of Michigan), "Buraziru: The Japanese  Immigrant 
>and Dekassegui Experience in Tizuka Yamasaki’s Gaijin: Os  Caminhos da 
>Liberdade (1980) and Gaijin: Ame-me Como Sou (2005)"
>Rethinking Genre II
>Chair: Joseph Schaub (College of Notre Dame)
>Joseph Schaub (College of Notre Dame), "When Cute Becomes Scary:  Images of 
>the Young Female in Contemporary Japanese Horror Cinema"
>Rebecca Gordon (Oberlin College), "“It’s a New System. I Wanted Us  All to 
>Discover It”: Crafting a Post-Feminist Horror Mythology in The  Descent"
>Donald LaCoss (University of Wisconsin, LaCrosse), "A Fistful of  Fanon: 
>Postcolonial Politics & the Spaghetti Western"
>Jeff P. Smith (University of Wisconsin, Madison), "Film and the  Musical 
>Analogy: Rethinking an Old Theoretical Concept"
>Historical Trajectories in Cross-Border East Asian Cinemas
>Chair: Hyung-Sook Lee (University of Southern California)
>Co-chair: Stephanie DeBoer (SSRC/Meiji Gakuin University, Tokyo)
>Dong Hoon Kim (University of Southern California), "Benshi across the  
>Borders:Benshi and Byonsa in Korea under Japanese Colonial Rule"
>Charles Leary (New York University), "The Didactics of Cathay Cinema  and 
>Hong Kong Modernity"
>Hyung-Sook Lee (University of Southern California), "Transnational  
>Filmmaking and Oscillating Names: The Case of Chung Chang-Wha"
>Stephanie DeBoer (SSRC/Meiji Gakuin University, Tokyo), "Asian Beat:  
>Omnibus Asia at the Limits of the Link"
>Pornography Studies I
>Karen Hall (Ithaca College)
>David Andrews (Independent Scholar), "Does Porn Need Sex, or is S-e-x  
>Enough? Toward an Analytic Definition of Pornography"
>Katrien Jacobs (City University of Hong Kong) and Chantal Zakari  (School 
>of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston), "Soft Arousal Latex  Party: Web 
>Affairs and Pornification in The Twilight Zone"
>Young Eun Chae (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill),  "Visualizing 
>Female Pleasure on the World Wide Web: Internet  Pornography in South 
>Korea, Japan, and the United States"
>Karen Hall (Ithaca College), "Covering the Iraq Netwar: War  Pornography 
>and the Occupation in Public Space"
>Formal Conventions and Textual Relations
>Chair: Christine Becker (University of Notre Dame)
>Dan Russek (University of Victoria), "Politics of the Image: Modern  Media 
>in the Literary Works of Julio Cortázar and Tomás Eloy Martínez"
>Greg Wright (Michigan State University), "Provocative Developments:  
>Photographic Logic and Quantum Uncertainty in the Multiple Forms of  The 
>Big Sleep"
>Hideaki Fujiki (Nagoya University), "Effacing Nationality:  Hollywood's 
>Adaptation of Contemporary Japanese Films"
>Christine Becker (University of Notre Dame), "The Office: An American  
>Success Story"
>Cinema and Translation: Technologies, Styles and the Politics of  Language 
>Chair: Natasa Durovicova (University of Iowa)
>Sheila Skaff (University of Texas, El Paso), "Intertitles and  Language 
>Conflict in Bydgoszcz, El Paso and Juarez, 1908-1920"
>Charles O'Brien (Carleton University), "Dubbing Technique and Its  
>Stylistic Consequences: The Translation into French of Alfred  Hitchcock’s 
>Waltzes from Vienna (1934)"
>Joshua First (University of Michigan), "Making Socialist Cinema Multi/ 
>National: The Politics of Film Translation in the Soviet Union,  1960-1980"
>Mark Nornes (University of Michigan), "Dangerous Liaisons: Traders,  
>Traitors and the Film Festival Network"
>Performance, Projection, and the Asian Diaspora
>Chair: Peter X Feng (University of Delaware)
>Peter X Feng (University of Delaware), "King vs. Chairman, or the  Comedy 
>of Extreme Sports: Translating Japanese Television for U.S.  Audiences"
>Ju Yon Kim (Stanford), "Playing the Part, Burying the Body: Racial  
>Performance and Performativity in Better Luck Tomorrow"
>Steven Lee (Stanford), "Viktor Tsoi at Sundance: Soviet  Counterculture and 
>the Korean Diaspora"
>Constructions of Racial Identity
>Chair: Adam Knee (Ohio University)
>Hilaria Loyo (Universidad de Zaragoza), "Blinding Blondes Go West:  
>Whiteness, Star, Genre and Nation in the Early Fifties"
>Christine Guzaitis (University of California, San Diego), "Seeing  Double: 
>Interracial Desire and Gender Deviance in U.S. Filmic  Representations of 
>Post-World War II Japan"
>Adam Knee (Ohio University), "White Chicks in a New York Minute:  
>Performing/Transforming White Femininity in Contemporary Hollywood"
>Nancy Inouye (Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst), "Hollywood’s  ‘Yellowface’: 
>The Spectacle of Orientalism in Film Scoring and  Performance"
>Project Sternberg
>Chair: Janet Bergstrom (University of California, Los Angeles)
>Janet Bergstrom (University of California, Los Angeles), "Josef von  
>Sternberg: Salvation Hunter"
>Jason Skonieczny (University of Southern California, Los Angeles),  
>"American Lyrical Abstraction: Sternberg in Light of Deleuze"
>Andrew Woods (UCLA), "Sternberg at RKO"
>Sachiko Mizuno (University of California, Los Angeles), "The Saga of  
>Anathan and Sternberg in Japan"
>Respondent: Lea Jacobs (University of Wisconsin, Madison)
>  “Extreme” East Asian Cinema and Cult Film Canons
>Chair: Hye Seung Chung (Hamilton College)
>Chi-Yun Shin (Sheffield Hallam University), "All in the Name: Tartan  Asia 
>Extreme Films"
>Hye Seung Chung (Hamilton College), "Hooking the Audience: The  Repulsive 
>Attraction of Kim Ki-duk’s Yopgi Cinema"
>James Fiumara (University of Pennsylvania), "Narration, Aesthetics,  and 
>Torture in Takashi Miike’s Audition"
>Ruby Cheung (University of St Andrews), "(De)Territorializing Horror:  
>Domestic Specificities and Transnationalism in Fruit Chan’s Dumplings  

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