CFP: Cultural Typhoon 2006

Aaron Gerow gerowaaron
Sun Feb 19 12:56:48 EST 2006



Date: June 30 - July 2, 2006

We are pleased to announce the 4th annual meeting of Cultural Typhoon 
will be held in Shimokitazawa, Tokyo during June 30-July 2 2006. 
typhoon is a transnational network of people who are interested in 
exploration in a broader context; those who actually study cultural 
and those who are interested in contemporary cultural scenes. This 
involves people who are not only associated with the academic sphere, 
as scholars and students, but also those who actualize social movements
through local and cultural industry activities. In attempts to bring
together the academic and social sphere, Cultural Typhoon has held an
annual symposium since its formation in 2003. Through its unpredictable
life course, a ?typhoon? can create, dismantle, absorb and spit out
various forms of energies that may not always be destructive. It can 
leave behind traces that create new encounters and possibilities. This
powerful image is exactly what Cultural Typhoon envisions. In order to
create such dynamics, Cultural Typhoon has aimed to generate new 
thoughts that are connected to various scenes ranging from contemporary
expressive performances, social engagements, to cultural movements, and 
create performative practices and presentations that are born from new
point of views and fissures of cultures by going beyond the boundaries 
formal academic conferences and symposiums, teacher/student 
and scholar/subject matter hierarchy.

Therefore, this year, we have decided to leave the walls of academia and
enter into the heart of Tokyo; the streets of Shimokitazawa. This year?s
theme will be <City> which represents, first, the actual streets in 
we are going to hold this year?s Cultural Typhoon, second, the actual
space that Cultural Typhoon throws its question at, and third, the space
that teaches us practical methodology. Above all, <City> is a space 
massive sky-scrapers are under construction due to the globalizing 
economy and governmental policies that focus on Neoliberalism. Also, 
is becoming a space where numerous ironies, widening social gaps, and
exclusions are exposed; theme parks are created based on cultural
industries and the demand for images of nostalgia.

At the same time, it is a space where cultural activists and
environmentalists spread their movements against the redevelopment
projects. For this year?s Cultural Typhoon, we would like to observe the
past and present of contemporary global shifts in the space called
Shimokitazawa under the theme <City>. However, theme <City> can be an 
topic. That is, <City> can be a place where various types of questions,
interests, positions, and viewpoints intersect. As a methodology, <City>
can be a space where various articulations and opinions can mix and 
through discourse, which is also the goal for Cultural Typhoon.

The presentation styles are not restricted to conventional academic 
of paper reading but we also welcome innovative ways of performances and
visual presentations. Also strongly expected is the active 
participation of
younger people who have not been able to find an opportunity to express
their ideas and practices in the conventional academic conferences in 
established professors dominate and organize the academic language and
intellectual exchange.

DEADLINE for Proposals: February 28, 2006
For the details of the session/paper proposal, please visit our website Download the application form and send 
along with a 150 word abstract following the guidelines. We will also
invite the proposal for booths set-up from those who are interested in
publicizing books, magazines, CDs, and DVDs or to do various kinds of
performative presentations. Please submit your application according to
your intended activity. As an organizing principle, we will try to be as
inclusive as possible. We will notify each applicants of the acceptance 
proposal by the end of March.

Please send all inquiries to: secretariat06 at

We all look forward to your participation in this exciting event.

Shunya Yoshimi
yoshimi at
Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies
The University of Tokyo

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