KineJapan member list
Rob Schwartz
Mon Feb 20 00:33:44 EST 2006
Hi All-
First, I would like to thank Aaron for addressing the problem so directly,
quickly and thoroughly, and offereing a number of workable solutions.
I, too, received the annoyoing spam/email from the Spanish list and since I
subscribe to no other lists (and get very little spam) with this address I
must assume they poached this list. Why, then, some people got subscribed
and others did not is a mystery (accept for Aaron himself, who the poachers
probably figured out was the administrator and decided it would be unwise to
subscribe him). I think we have established that the way to unsubscribe is
to find the unsubscribe link in Spanish and then respond to the email they
send, confirming unsubscription. It took me two or three tries as well and I
was pretty annoyed by the bother.
Anyway, I think we can posit there has been abuse of the Kine Japan list in
this case. While, as Aaron states, it is not a recurring problem I think
some action is warranted. Personally, I would vote for option 3.
Again, a heartfelt o sewa ni narimasu to Aaron and all the administrators
for the prompt action and taking care of the list in general.
Rob Schwartz
On 2/20/06, Eija Margit Niskanen <emniskanen at> wrote:
> Hi!
> I would also vote for option 3.
> Eija
> On Feb 20, 2006, at 2:45 AM, El-Khash Najib wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I got the Spanish messages, tried a few things and was
> > successful in unsubscribing, relying on similarities
> > between some Spanish words with English or French. I don't
> > even remember exactly what I did, but I think it involved
> > sending an [unsubscribe] message, and then clikcing on the
> > (confirmation?) link in the e-mail I received upon doing
> > the first step.
> >
> > I would also vote for option 3:
> >
> > 3) Stop sending out the list, but still allow members to
> > obtain it whenever they want. At this point, anyone who
> > subscribes can send a simple message to the list server
> > and get the member list. How to do this is explained in
> > the WELCOME and INFORMATION messages.
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Najib El-Khash
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --------------------------------------
> >
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