looking for articles on Miike

Jim Harper jimharper666
Tue Jan 10 12:48:24 EST 2006

Interesting article there. As several of the articles posted here suggest, it's perhaps not possible to simply characterize Miike's violence as 'gratuitious' and leave it at that. In his best or most developed works he clearly has a lot more going on that the casual presentation of ultraviolence.
Tom Mes <china_crisis at hotmail.com> wrote:  Hi Colin,

Have a look at this essay by one of your countrymen as well. Not sure if it 
does what you want it to do, but as with Aaron's excellent article, it does 
attempt to show there's a bit of substance to the issue:

Not sure if you're going to convince your television broadcaster, though. 
Gratuitous violence is just too good a subject.


>From: Colin Geddes 
>Reply-To: KineJapan at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
>To: KineJapan at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
>Subject: looking for articles on Miike
>Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 00:09:50 -0500
>Hi All,
>I am looking for some articles on Takeshi Miike to prove to a television 
>broadcaster that the violence in his films are not gratuitous. Of course, 
>I already have Tom Mes' book, but was wondering if members on this list 
>might be able to direct me to any other sources to build an argument.
>I think I would have a hell of a hard time with ICHI, but could possibly 
>make a decent case for AUDITION.
>Thanks in advance,
>Colin Geddes

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