Call for papers in Barcelona and Help

Wed Jan 18 15:34:05 EST 2006

At IMBD it looks like a coproduction. But as far as I have gone reading
about it, I guess the problem with the movie is that it looks more like
a Hollywood comedy type made in Europe...

Lorenzo J. Torres

Really? When it came out in France (and Switzerland), if I remember
well, many critics were pretty negative about it. I guess, I'll have to
give it a try...Is it really a Japanese-French co-production, or just a
French production using some Japanese actors? That is my souvenir from
the ads they ran when the movies came out.
Ariane Beldi
Geneva, Switzerland 

 Dear kinejaps:
       Some of you (the European above all) might know an interesting
Call for Papers about "Cine Europeo Contempor?neo" (Second International
Congress on Contemporary European Cinema) to celebrate next June in
Barcelona ( 
       I was there last year and it was quite interesting. May be I'm
coming again this year. I'd like to make something about relationships
or interaction between European and Japanese (Eastern) contemporary
cinema so, what comes to your mind? Any particular ideas about movies,
books, webs, etc., that could help me? 
       Thanks in advance.
       Lorenzo J. Torres
       Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
       Madrid, Spain

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