Japanese cinema in Kansai

sebastien.bondetti at laposte.net sebastien.bondetti at laposte.net
Tue Jul 25 09:02:18 EDT 2006


I will be in Osaka for 3 weeks in august.
I would like to visit some "movie places" in Kansai,
especially in Osaka (shop, museums,...)
I already went to Toei Uzumasa (a kind of jidai disneyland :
fun!) but I did not go to the movie museum in Kyoto.
Is it interesting ? Are there some archives in Kyoto ?

I am looking for director's and actors tombs, too. 
I already went to Kamakura and I'm interesting by places like
this. I heard that Misumi and Mizoguchi was buried in Kyoto.
Is it true ?


Cet été, pensez aux cartes postales de laposte.net !

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